The Friends’ Club of our Foundation continues helping our wards. The Old New Year was another reason to help inmates of special (remedinal) boarding school №7 for children with infringements of intellectual development. At This time the Friends’ Club of “AYALA” charity foundation invited a school theater “Melpomene”, the troupe consists of normal school children from gymnasium №111. The participants performed a representation of the tale “Rejuvenating apples”. This event of Friends’ Club is the next step to implement the strategic goals of our foundation - the creation of tolerance between children with «special» abilities and children of urban society.
We sincerely thank the members of the children's theater “Melpomene”, Deputy Director of the school №111 Zhukov I.E. and theatre directors Ms. Shitova and Ms. Sosnovskaya for their participation in charity events. Such work will serve a good example for others.
At the end of the festival the boarding school №7 received gifts - fruit and toys. Employees of “KazKom Life” at every turn are involved in projects of «AYALA» foundation. We express our sincere gratitude to all members of the Club, and in this case especially to “KazKom Life” employees for the participation in this project. We see that the mission of «AYALA» foundation on raising the traditions and culture of charity in the Republic of Kazakhstan this time has got a crystal clear and tangible embodiment. We hope that with time more and more participants will join this intitiative of the Friends’ Club.