On the 16th and 17th of October solemn ceremonies of transferring a large amount of sports equipment for physical education in a boarding school for children with deviant behavior and special (correctional) boarding school № 9 of Almaty city for children with severe speech disorders were held. To these educational institutions wall bars, gymnastic hoops, balls for team sports, grip for barbell, and other attributes for the gym were transferred. Not only physical education teachers but also pupils were very happy about the gifts. Pupils of the boarding school № 9 in the gym prepared for us and the sponsors from the Ariix company short but brilliant performance with gratitude for the gift.
The total cost of the transferred sports equipment is 473 200 tenge. The transferring was carried out under the “In a healthy body - healthy mind” project which the “AYALA” foundation implements for several years. Due to this project in many educational and medical institutions gyms and physical therapy cabinets were equipped.