Almaty children together with the charity foundation “AYALA” celebrated an International Dance Day. On the territory of Esentai mall there was an exciting show featuring Askhat Khalimov from Twins Brothers and Jokeasses band. At the beginning the children started from shooting video clips, taking part in competitions and making lots of funny and positive photos. Then they altogether went to the wide cinema hall Kinopark 11 (Esentai) IMAX 3D. 56 pupils of the regional boarding school №15 of Almaty city for children from needy families watched «The Jungle book» film. Kinopark administration took a charge of treating children with the free popcorn.
Let us remind that International Dance Day has been celebrated since 1982 by the decision of UNESCO on the birthday of French ballet-master Jean-Georges Noverre who figures in history as a “father of modern ballet”.