Today, the joyful event has occurred in children's polyclinic №7 of Almaty – new equipment has been delivered to the room of remedial gymnastics. It became possible thanks to the help of LLP «Bor Plast» and personally Ajnur Sulejmenova. This year the company «Bor Plast» has transferred to our fund 200 000 KZT which have been used for purchasing of the sports stock – dumbbells, gymnastic sticks, hoops, balls and also a racetrack and massage rugs.
The doctors have warmly met the representatives of our foundation and the company «Bor Plast» and sincerely thanked us for this help. The sports stock for the office of exercise therapy will help children to recover faster after various traumas, and also it will be useful in treatment of infringement of the musculoskeletal system.
The company «Bor Plast» has been helping to our fund for the second year. We can surely say that Ajnur Shotanovna has become the constant partner of our fund in charity area.