Today, children’s polyclinics № 4 and № 8 have received equipment for physiotherapy section from “Ayala” foundation. There are 55 000 children registered in these clinics and every fifth of them are in need of this equipment. Respiratory system diseases take the second place in children structure of illness, in the period of warming and cold spell, i.e. in spring and autumn these disease can take the first place. Modern ultrasonic inhaler, electrotherapy devises and in polyclinic №4 also an ultraviolet irradiator were transferred.
These modern devises help to cure patients more quickly, especially in the period of outburst of acute respiratory infection. At the time of handing of equipment medicine staff thanked “Ayala” foundation representatives and Investment Company “Renaissance Capital”, which was the sponsor of this part of the project. “Renaissance Capital” transferred 1 173 341 KZT.
“Doctor Aybolit”, a project of “Ayala” charity foundation, is aimed to help with equipment of children polyclinics in Amaty with modern physiotherapy apparatus, which is used to cure different diseases. Sponsors were surprised that equipment from soviet period was used in clinics; some of them were used more than 30 years, new equipment came to the point. Representatives of “Renaissance Capital” have said that they will continue their work for fitting out polyclinic of modern equipment.
We hope that other businessmen will follow the example of the companies which help to charity organisations, especially in the sphere of children’s health.